Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trump being Impeached

I read the commentary from the AMERICAblog about The case for Impeachment. While it had a great point and I fully agree with the writers point of view, but how he has no real evidence for what he is saying. Yes I know some of the things that he mentions in his article that Trump has done are true, but when I say evidence I mean like quotes and links to show us what he has done.  He had the chance to put evidence in when he mentions how trump is undercutting the Affordable Care Act “a move that will premiums by 20%..”  With that quote, I believe his grammar sucks and I’m not the best person for grammatical correction but it was almost hard to read it was grammatically in correct in many ways.It says John Aravosis is an executive editor for the AMERICAblog. I believe he has just wrote what he had to say because he was someone that wanted to get his opinion out there as soon as possible to the far left. I agree with his opinion and believe what he says is true, and the fact that he has worked for the Senate which says a lot for his credibility. Without evidence though its hard to just take him at his word. The blog seemed to be written on a whim and to get people to listen to his podcast.

I agree Trump should be impeached but mostly because he has several times shown that he is a tyrant.  (  America dealt with a tyrant before we were a country and we pushed for Independence. We still have our Independence but what are we loosing? 


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