Political Views and Issues
I have a wide sense of views, a love of new information and other peoples opinions. My blog is a NOH8 zone. You can discuss your opinions, share your views and sources. If you get angry and start spouting slurs of any kind you won't be allowed to post on here anymore. I want everyone to discuss the issues on here in a civil manor. All views are welcome. Keep and open mind and an open heart to all.

Friday, December 15, 2017
Blog Stage 3
while this opinion titled "How Long Until We Debate Real Gun Laws?" from the New York Times discusses how the US government hasn't taken actions on the gun control issues yet a myriad of people have been killed during modern times of America, I agree with most of what the editorial has stated and that it is the time for both NRA(National Rifle Association) and the US Congress to take this issue serious. After having watched some Las Vegas mass shooting videos myself, it really jumped out of me that such a dangerous type of weapon or device can still be purchased legally. I didn't know the type of device called "bump stock", a device that accelerates the rate of fire of any semi-automatic guns matching that of fully-automatic ones, was legal until I read articles where they said such device was actually legal.https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/05/opinion/editorials/how-long-debate-real-gun-control.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion&action=click&contentCollection=opinion®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Since January 1st, 2017 there have been 404 shootings in the US. In December alone there have been 4. Its December 6th and already 4 people have been killed and 16 injured in shootings in the US. In total in 2017, 569 Men, women, and children have died because of shootings and many more have been injured. The numbers are increasing every year, shootings are getting worse and worse. Yet our national government hasn't made any change to the 2nd amendment or fixed the current regulations to make it harder for people to access guns. My question is WHY?? The people you represent and the people you are suppose to protect are being killed left and right for varies reasons such as race, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Why haven't they done anything about it?
We hear the far right saying "they can't take our guns, if I want an AK-47 I have the right to get it." Then you hear the far left saying "guns should be completely taken away, there's no need for guns but for police and military." I disagree with both view points. Do you deserve the right to own a gun that was actually designed to kill HUMANS in mass numbers, just because you think its cool? Should we take away certain guns that would be helpful in protecting ourselves if the situation arises? my answer is NO to both. this is a hot topic issue with both sides, yet our national government has just ignored it for unknown reasons. they haven't made any effort to push for regulations to be fixed or stronger. How could any side be against any kinda control to protect our neighbors? If we come to terms on a middle ground and shout to the national government to make those regulations, eventually they will have to.
We hear the far right saying "they can't take our guns, if I want an AK-47 I have the right to get it." Then you hear the far left saying "guns should be completely taken away, there's no need for guns but for police and military." I disagree with both view points. Do you deserve the right to own a gun that was actually designed to kill HUMANS in mass numbers, just because you think its cool? Should we take away certain guns that would be helpful in protecting ourselves if the situation arises? my answer is NO to both. this is a hot topic issue with both sides, yet our national government has just ignored it for unknown reasons. they haven't made any effort to push for regulations to be fixed or stronger. How could any side be against any kinda control to protect our neighbors? If we come to terms on a middle ground and shout to the national government to make those regulations, eventually they will have to.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
National Government
The National Government isn’t the best in the world. We sit here upset about an idiot in power and yet it was our own fault. In many ways it was our fault, such as trusting an electoral college, so many people have spoken out about it. Yet in this past election we witness once again how the electoral college voted against the popular vote. The Public calls for impeachment yet we can’t mostly because his own party controls the house which in turn controls any investigation in the crimes that the president has committed. So we voted this idiot into office and now we can’t get him out, because we voted his own party into the house.
So what do we do? Do we just sit back and let him shout hate and lies, or do we stand and shout back at him and make a stand and call for his actions to be checked. As a public we can do this together. Our national government is set up in a way that we can’t really have a voice unless everyone shouts loud enough. Mostly because if Politicians feel like they are losing the vote then they will shout with you. Eventually after so much shouting and pushing for change then he will have to change. He isn’t the only thing we need to change about the government, we need to fix the electoral college, we need to fix how the people are viewed, we also need to limit the power of the president. We need to speak up about our national government and make them hear us. Make it be known that we aren’t just a vote to persuade.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Trump being Impeached
I read the commentary from the AMERICAblog about The case
for Impeachment. While it had a great point and I fully agree with the writers
point of view, but how he has no real evidence for what he is saying. Yes I know
some of the things that he mentions in his article that Trump has done are
true, but when I say evidence I mean like quotes and links to show us what he
has done. He had the chance to put
evidence in when he mentions how trump is undercutting the Affordable Care Act “a
move that will premiums by 20%..” With that
quote, I believe his grammar sucks and I’m not the best person for grammatical correction
but it was almost hard to read it was grammatically in correct in many ways.It
says John Aravosis is an executive editor for the AMERICAblog. I believe he has
just wrote what he had to say because he was someone that wanted to get his opinion
out there as soon as possible to the far left. I agree with his opinion and believe
what he says is true, and the fact that he has worked for the Senate which says
a lot for his credibility. Without evidence though its hard to just take him at
his word. The blog seemed to be written on a whim and to get people to listen
to his podcast.
I agree Trump should be impeached but mostly because he has several times shown that he is a tyrant. (http://time.com/4690676/donald-trump-tyranny/) America dealt with a tyrant before we were a country and we pushed for Independence. We still have our Independence but what are we loosing?
AMERICAblog: http://americablog.com/2017/10/the-case-for-impeachment.html
Monday, October 2, 2017
This blog is mostly for class, but with current events i feel like going out and speaking my mind in someway. That is what my blog will be used for, for everyone to be able to speak their minds. Please do so in a peaceful manner. No name calling no, putting anyone down for thinking the way they do. The main thing I won't tolerate on my blog is the promotion of violence.
With that said here's a link to USA today politics tab. https://www.wsj.com/news/politics
With that said here's a link to USA today politics tab. https://www.wsj.com/news/politics
Its worth reading and catching up with everything that is going on with our government. That Trump just wants to hide by yelling really loud and saying look over here not at those. Look at whats going on, see that there's a lot of things happening that are "big news".
What do you think of the way Trump handles things?? Do you think Trump is even in control or is he just the distraction, the Emcee of the show if you will, the guy that has distract the audience from the bad things that are happening on or backstage.
Friday, September 8, 2017
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Blog Stage 3
while this opinion titled "How Long Until We Debate Real Gun Laws?" from the New York Times discusses how the US government hasn...
Since January 1st, 2017 there have been 404 shootings in the US. In December alone there have been 4. Its December 6th and already 4 people ...
The National Government isn’t the best in the world. We sit here upset about an idiot in power and yet it was our own fault. In many ways i...
This blog is mostly for class, but with current events i feel like going out and speaking my mind in someway. That is what my blog will be u...